Today I am happy, and I’m not worried about if I’ll be happy tomorrow. I’m enjoying this moment of bliss. Today.

I am so thankful for having woken up with a smile, and good vibes.

Tomorrow is not promised, and yesterday’s are gone.

The only day, moment, we have control over is the moment we’re living in. I know I’ve made mistakes yesterday and the days before, I can’t go back and correct them, but I know I can change the moment I’m in right now. That I still have control over.

My tomorrow is not promised. I want to make sure that the day I’m living in, the moment I have in front of me is the life I want to live and leave behind, with minimal regrets.

Don’t leave words you want to say for tomorrow, actions you want to take for later.

Be kind, be generous, be forgiving, be humble. Love with whatever you have left in your heart and always give someone a smile if they’re missing theirs.

Have a fantastic day, everyone.

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